
United ELF Fansite and Pay-Us-Back GDA Operation

Statement from United E.L.F. Fansite (U.E.F.)
Hello, we are from United E.L.F Fansite.
As you all know, we believe that there are problems about injustice that also relates not only to fairness but money.
I know that there are rumors going on that Kelfs are going to sue Golden Disk, but it is not 100% true.
We are contacting a lawyer about law suit and getting our money back, but we are not sure that we will actually have a law suit, but more likely to send a petition to the consumer center.

This is a translation of a writing that someone posted on korean website about GDA’s unfairness.
Please spread this post around so others can know the unfairness.
Also, we also state that we have no offense at all toward Girl’s Generation (SNSD). The purpose of this writing is to just show the world that Super Junior had this much success this year, but it just didn’t show in Golden Disk Award.
This is the address of United E.L.F. Fansite.
We are currently working on translation for all the notices on the website, and have separate ways to contact with overseas E.L.F., so even if you can’t speak Korean, please join the website under the name of Super Junior.

We also have a twitter account.
You can follow us @sjwithelf1210

Please remember that we are still working on decorating and organizing the website, and we will allow people to write and communicate inside the website as soon as possible.
The website will be open in a day or two, probably tomorrow night.
If you have any questions, you can send a email to sjwithelf@gmail.com or give us a tweet!
Thank you.

SOURCE:  U.E.F | distributed by TwELFs.com


  1. Hi, this is Uti from TwELFs and SPL.
    I just want to ask you to rewrite the source of the statement. It's U.E.F., not sj-market.
    The mistake is ours. We have corrected it, but the post is already distributed.
    Thank you! ^^

  2. @ Uti: I edited it. ^^ Thanks for telling me


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